Recently esteemed Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates was arrested after he was “caught” “breaking in” to his own home in Read More

Recently esteemed Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates was arrested after he was “caught” “breaking in” to his own home in Read More

Online dating profiles have always intrigued me. I joined my first online dating site back in late 2005 – not long Read More

Online dating profiles have always intrigued me. I joined my first online dating site back in late 2005 – not long Read More

Dear Bitter Single Guy: First off, I’ll give you the background of my situation.  I’m a guy and I was in a Read More

Dear Bitter Single Guy: First off, I’ll give you the background of my situation.  I’m a guy and I was in a Read More

Dear Bitter Single Guy: I’ve been dating this guy for about two months now. He’s sweet, funny, attractive, and just Read More

Dear Bitter Single Guy: I’ve been dating this guy for about two months now. He’s sweet, funny, attractive, and just Read More

A month from now the country will (or at least should) be celebrating a little known holiday called “Loving Day” on June Read More

A month from now the country will (or at least should) be celebrating a little known holiday called “Loving Day” on June Read More

This week, I was a guest on a fantastic NPR segment about race and dating.  A woman had written into a local Read More

This week, I was a guest on a fantastic NPR segment about race and dating.  A woman had written into a local Read More

The other night at dinner, just for fun, my guy friends started guessing how much my purse cost. It was Read More

The other night at dinner, just for fun, my guy friends started guessing how much my purse cost. It was Read More

So let me just throw a shout out there to all the Crazy Guys who get caught up in the Read More

So let me just throw a shout out there to all the Crazy Guys who get caught up in the Read More

As if hooking up wasn’t already confusing enough, the Internet now offers yet another way to meet people, so it Read More

As if hooking up wasn’t already confusing enough, the Internet now offers yet another way to meet people, so it Read More

Hi ,Thanks for reading this as I really could do with a male perspective. I’m a little confused! Beginning of Read More

Hi ,Thanks for reading this as I really could do with a male perspective. I’m a little confused! Beginning of Read More