Three Signs That Your Girlfriend/Wife Is Cheating On You

May 14, 2020 by No Comments

“Just because you’re paranoid, doesn’t mean they’re not out to get you”

Though cliche, these words have bit many people after finding out they’ve been the victim of infidelity. How do you know your wife or girlfriend is cheating on you? Well, there are a few things you can keep an eye out for. As always, the major breakpoint in relationships is the communication. When that point of no return has been reached, there is often little one can do to fix things.

So what are these three major signs that your lover is cheating on you?

She Gets A Craigslist Account

  • Craigslist is an online popularity contest. Behind your computer you can play internet badass, don juan, or whoever else you always wanted to be but never had the courage to in real life. Craigslist isn’t necessarily evil, but it’s been an amazing warning for many of you, that something isn’t quite right. Often it starts off with wanting to get back in touch with old friends or classmates. However, women are routinely stalked on Craigslist, so the constant influx of attention, whether asked for or not, is sometimes hard to avoid.Though it doesn’t seem to be as dangerous, I’d liken Craigslist to a club. Your girl could be going to dance. But men are going there to hang out with women who are going there to dance. If the timing is wrong, a fight was had recently, you never know when being isolated in a little world where your actions seem private and self-contained, may take its toll. If your partner’s had an account previously, you already know what you’re getting into. But as I’ll post over the next couple weeks, many of our readers have mentioned how a new account in an established relationship was the first of the last.

Malaysia casual friends

Bangkok casual friends

Cebu casual friends

Paris casual friends

The Sex Has Slowed, But She’s Dressing Up More

  • She’s staying aware of her body, working out a little more, eating better. But the sex is still dismal. Yes, she’s getting dressed up, but it doesn’t seem to necessarily be for you. When your partner starts working harder on their appearance, but sharing less of the benefits of their new shape with you – you’re right to question what the new motivation is.More frequent/expensive haircuts, better clothes, nicer jewelry, and other personal improvements typically mark a desire to impress someone. As sad as it sounds, rarely in a relationship do you continue to ‘dress up’ for your lover once you’ve reached the ’seen them pee’ moment. Past the point of comfort, you’ve become a friend she sleeps with.

She Just Seems To Be.. Hiding Something..

  • Notice she’s losing more and more contact with the outside world? Perhaps answering less phone calls in front of you, using the computer you have access to less and less. Perhaps more friends you don’t know that take up increasingly larger amounts of her time?This is a sign of detachment. It’s a neutral way for a person to safely disassociate from another with plausible deniability. Friends are a big sign here. As you may know, friends always seem so safe. It’s not until that one drink, or funny moment, that the secret affinity for you is revealed. Flattered, she blushes and brushes it off. But the seed is planted. As it sprouts with each passing day, she’ll often want to investigate that feeling and see if it’s different and/or better than what you have.

The key to all of these signs are a sudden change in behavior. The best thing to do in these cases is try to find a way to become more active and participate more. Study body language, her reactions to friends, and the level of physical contact with you. Has the sex become less intense? Slowed? It may be time to ask yourself whether you may be missing the signs that are right in front of you.

Have you noticed any of these signs?

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