Meditation on Wingmenship

August 10, 2021 by No Comments

From the beginning you and your wingman or wingmen go out together. You guys have known each other for some time. You’re both the same age, have the same fashion style, the same taste in women, work in similar fields and have the same hobbies. Yet, when you go out in DC, you’re struggling to pick up women. You guys might approach and the conversation starts well but soon the girls are looking around board and looking past you to see who else is around. If this happens more often than the encounter ends with one of you getting a number then someone should take away both your pilot licenses.

Let’s break this down and reevaluate the situation. First let’s look at our targets or prey if you will to figure out exactly what we’re
dealing with.

Start with the fact that most women looking to hook up will most likely go out in pairs or a group ranging in size from 3 to 100. Any group of women can comprise of different social networks that somehow the individual know each other. From school, to current and ex coworkers, to social clubs, friend of friends and the fat chick from kickball. Within this one group made up of different social networks you’ll also have different age ranges from seasoned cougar to first year grad. Different races, backgrounds and even religion. The only thing that can be assumed to be the same about the group is they all have vaginas and they all like shoes… (caution: don’t quote me on the first one).

Knowing this why would you go out with WM who are basically all the same as you? By the rational stated above, you significantly lower your chances of closing because unless the whole group is into you’re type it’s going to be hard to pull one away from the group. The key to pulling groups of women in DC is to have a diverse crew of WM.

If game is like working out then you’re wingmen are your spotters. Do you need spotters to work out? No, but you’ll eventually peak or plato. But if you want to get big you’ll have to go heavy and if you want to go heavy you’re going to need spotters. Anyway, back to the script. Think of your WM as having all your basis covered. With the right mix and match and assuming you guys are all gaming on some level three shit, you’ll should be able to approach any group of girls in this town and assuming most of them are single ONE of you should be able to get a number from that group.

I should back track here and state that your group including you should never be more than four any more than that and cohesion becomes a problem which can lead to the jailbreak mentality on one end or too much testosterone resulting in natural 1upmenship among alpha males on the other end.

Now I know what you’re thinking, “if there’s four of you and only ONE gets a number from a group of girls that’s bullshit for the other guys”. First off at our jump off spot on a Saturday Night there’s anywhere between 15 to 25 different groups of girls and thats just our first location among 3 or 4 spots that night. Second if you have all basis covered, the math is almost infinite on the possible ways a group of guys can get a number. For instance one guy can get two numbers from the group approaching two different female groups and on the third group two other guys could get one number each. Again we’re getting ahead of ourselves.


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