How to attract any girl you want 100% of the time!

August 27, 2021 by No Comments

I have seen many people claim to be able to teach guys how to attract any girl you want at any time. When I heard this I thought that would be totally awesome. However I knew this was just not feasible.

Big Problem

The problem with the concept of meeting and attracting any woman you want is the fact you are dealing with another human being. You can’t control how she is going to respond to you.

Yes there are things that make women more likely to respond to in a positive way. But not all women are going to respond in the same way.

Let’s take a look at a real life example

To back this up I can give you a real life example: Ever since I started doing magic I have had many many positive reactions. Ones that have led to making out with women, getting their phone numbers, etc.

But I remember one time I did have a very negative response. Before this happened, if someone had asked me how to attract any girl I would have said magic seems to do that. I really did think it was truly the best way to attract women. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still one of the best ways to attract women. It’s just not foolproof as I once thought…

What Happened?

I approached two hot girls at a table. I started off well and soon we were having a conversation. Then I decided to pull out the magic trick. I used one that got them both involved.

After a little gentle persuasion I started explaining to them what to do and they were following along. Once I had performed the trick I waited for the usual positive response.

I waited but to no avail

As you probably guessed, it didn’t come. The one girl actually got a little irate because she didn’t know how the trick was done. She demanded I tell her how it was done. I blatantly refused cos; 1) it’s a magic trick; you don’t tell people how it’s done and 2) because she was demanding it.

Well let’s just say I didn’t get either of the girls’ number. Some guys will say that I could have done something different. However in my eyes, I am a human being I will make mistakes and they are human beings and will all have different reactions.

It’s because of this that you must realise that although you can improve your interactions with women and become better at attracting women. You must also realise
that you can never learn how to attract any girl all of the time, no matter what anyone tells you.

Final thought

Though I would like to finish with a side note. When it comes to learning how to attract girls If you have the mindset that you can attract any girl then that’s great. Having the confidence and belief you can do what you want is great. However you can’t be 100% successful because you are only human and this success rate is lowered by the fact that you are interacting with another human.


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