First Date Kiss

April 9, 2021 by No Comments

Going to a first date with a girl, is a common step towards a relationship and, of course, sex.How you handle the date, has a great effect on whether a second date will take place, and whether you will reach intimacy with the girl.Women tend to spend lots of time on preparing for the date. In fact, while a man would spend not more than 15 minutes on choosing what to wear, women might need hours for that. However, when it comes to deciding what happens on the date, the man is expected to lead. This is an advantage for you, because you have the power to handle the date. But it also means that you are in charge for preparing the proper date.

I’ve discussed several issues regarding first dates in a previous post. In fact, calling this evening with a girl “a date”, is something that I don’t recommend. Of course it’s a date. But you don’t have to call it that way, and create al that tension, stress and ackwarness. What I suggest, is using any other names. You can say that it’s a “meeting”, or you can just say that you are going out to drink some wine. Try to avoid the “date” word.Now, forget about all what you’ve heard and saw on movies. You don’t have to pick up the girl with your car. I personally prefer to meet the girl at the venue that you are going to. Women today have jobs, have their own money, and even their own cars. In fact, I had dates on which the girl would pick me up.Also, in those Hollywood movies, the man meets the girl with a flower, they go out to a fancy restaurant, the have a great talk… And then, when they are so much in love with each other, the man takes the girl back to her house, they stand at the door, and suddenly kiss.This happens in movies, but in reality it actually feels weird and ackward. InIn this post, I will discuss the basics for a successful first date kiss.

It’s easier to kiss a girl in a bar

Unlike Hollywood movies, the best place to have a first date is a bar. It involves good mood and music, making it easy for you to relax.

First Date Kiss. (Image: Tina Phillips)

What else do you have in a bar? Welll, the greatest advantage is the alcohol. You don’t need the girl to get drunk, but many women feel stressed on a first date. Drinking some wine will help the girl relax.

A bar is also a place, where it is considered socially acceptable to kiss. You might even have other couples around you kissing. So the girl (and you) will feel free to kiss too.

A great topic that I recommend to talk about on a date is relationships, friendships, etc. A bar will give you plenty of topics. You can talk about other couples, or discuss guys or girls, etc. It will basically get you into the right mood to discuss that topic.

Get comfortable touching each other

Don’t sit one in front of the other. If you want to kiss a girl, it can’t just happen out of the blue. Before the first date kiss, you need the girl to be comfortable with you touching her.

So whether it’s a table, or whether you are sitting on the bar, make sure that you can easily touch the girl.

Since you’ve arrived to the bar, starting touching the girl. First with light touches. You can touch her shoulders, or check her watch or ring. Make sure the touch is soft and pleasant.

All this touching makes the girl comfortable with you on the physical level. Don’t move to any sexual areas. This will happen in a much further step. Just make her comfortable.

A great signal to know how the girl feels about you, is whether she is touching you back. If she is, and you also feel a connection in your conversation, it means that you can move further to kiss the girl.

First Date Kiss

When a girl is on a first date, she want to kiss. In fact, for some men, there is nothing special about a kiss. But for women, it can be an extremeley magical moment, even more than sex.

If a girl likes you on a date, she will be waiting for you to kiss her. What I am trying to tell you here, is that even if you try to kiss the girl and she resists, it won’t feel ackward. She knows it should happen.

The first basic rule for kissing a girl, is to be comfortable on the physical level. That’s why touching is important.

The second rule is to kiss in the middle of the date. When you are talking about the most exciting thing, that’s your right moment.

Make your voice slower, look the girl in the eyes, slowly move you fingers over her hair and face, move closer to her lips, and give her a sentual first kiss. Be the first one to stop. Make her want more.

What if she resists? It’s OK. Don’t insist, just move on to further talking, and try to kiss her again later. If she likes you, she will eventually kiss with you.

Read More at:

Eye Contact Flirting

How To Get A Girl To Kiss You

“No Girl Is Interested In Me”

How to be Very Attractive in a Night Club?

Complimenting Women

Looks and Attraction

Body Language To Attract Women

Needy Men are not Attractive

Ways Women Manipulate Men

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