Always Be Fucking

June 3, 2021 by No Comments

Scott Ian of Anthrtax had this story to tell about Gene Simmons of Kiss:

I heard a story about Gene Simmons of Kiss (does anyone not know that?) from a few years ago that relates (kinda not really, it’s just a good story and I love Gene) to this. He was out on tour and was out on a night off with a recent Miss America. One of the techs that work for the band saw him go back to his room with her. A few nights later the same tech sees Gene getting in the hotel elevator with what was not Miss America. She wasn’t even Miss Hemet. The next day the tech sees Gene at the gig and asks him why he was with fatty last night when he was with Miss America the other night. Gene’s reply: “You can’t eat filet mignon every night, sometimes you have to eat McDonald’s.”

No guru, no guru, no guru will admit this, but if you are racking up a high number of lays consistently, in addition to the hot girls, you are also sleeping with subpar girls. In fact, I would say that this is almost necessary if you hope to be a great gamer who racks up a very high number of lays. There are going to be times when you just have to grab what’s easy for you to get.

But what about me? Have I slept with any subpar women? Absolutely. There are times when I’ve slept with drop dead gorgeous women beyond belief, and then there are the women that I slept with where I was like “Oh my god, I can’t believe I slept with THAT.”. This is something that I’ve admitted in the story about my first black girl. Now, there are certain women that I just will not touch, like fat chicks with their bellies pouring out (I can fuck with a chubby girl with wide hips; just not a huge gross belly), chicks with fucked up teeth, prostitutes, women that my friends have slept with before me, and chicks with horrible skin. Those are the types of women that I just can’t mess around with.

You might be wondering why should you even consider women that aren’t hot. You don’t have to. However, understand that if you don’t sleep with the occasional low hanging fruit, your game will be miscalibrated. How so? When you’re having to number close 30-100 women between lays, you begin to forget exactly what works, and what doesn’t. In other words, you’ll just be trying out everything; one angle one night, and another the next.

So what happens when you do come across a hot girl and you haven’t been getting laid consistently? You’re not exactly sure of how you should approach the situation. Now what would have happened had you kept a steady stream of women in your bed, both hot and average-looking? You wouldn’t have to think about game. You would get so use to doing what you’ve been doing, that everything would be second nature to you. In short, you would just be reacting instead of always second-guessing yourself.

But what if you have a system from a favorite guru? Now we all know that once you approach a few women using one guru’s method without getting laid, you are going to switch up your game. It’s why you guys purchase multiple products from multiple gurus. You try one thing one night, and another the next. There is no way that you’re going to approach 30-100 women, talk to all of them for awhile, while using the same method. The only way that you’re going to do that is if what you’re using works on a consistent basis without you having to approach a bazillion women to get one lay.

Natural game is no longer natural game when you’re not getting laid. Natural or not, once you have to wait a long time between your lays, you begin second-guessing yourself instead of naturally reacting. In order to keep your natural game intact, you have to constantly be getting laid. And in order to constantly be getting those hot girls, you gotta sleep with a few low hanging women just so that you stay on top of your game, and will always have your natural game fully intact when you do come across those hot girls.

Most of you guys don’t get laid simply because you feel like you should always have filet mignon, and should never have to eat at McDonald’s. With that line of thinking, you will eventually starve, and not live to see your next meal if you catch my drift (read: you’ll never get laid). That is something that both Gene Simmons (who has racked up THOUSANDS of lays and is married to a Playboy model) and I understand.


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